Monday, April 20, 2009

Been a long time . . .

Been a while since I checked in here (what's it been, over a year?), for a million and one excuses, none of which are any good. I couldn't even remember which e-mail address I signed in, much less, what my password was. But, a few tries later, and I'm up and running again.

I'm kinda trapped in the house today, as we're getting our deck refinished, and the guy doing step one has blocked the garage door with his van and trailer. Not that I have anywhere special to be today, and I've been longing for an excuse to simple sit and write, so here it is.

I need to get warmed up again to the idea of blogging. I've got to get over the idea that I have to be an expert on what I'm saying, what I think, what I leave on these pages. I don't want this to be an online diary, where I post inane, mundane blurbs of my life. I'd like to have a few general topics to focus on - health and wellness, relationships, travel, financial tidbits, home improvement projects, maybe some green living experiences to share. But who knows? Maybe it'll morph into something else entirely. The important thing I do now, is simply write.

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